Range War!
Range War was "Rowdy Yates's" multi day shoot held each autumn at Chabot. Many wonderful
memories and fun tiimes had, both during the shoot and in the evenings at the Gouge Eye Saloon.
Oh, and all Cowboy and Cowgirl Shooters brougth their Big Guns.
'Cause they really needed 'em for this fine shoot.
This here Mighty Fine Cowboy appears to have done a little too much relaxin' in
the Gouge Eye Saloon.
What do you think?
The Gouge Eye Saloon, the one and only saloon to be dedicated by the Clampers.
Yes Siree. In the Town of Chabot, justice
was served up mighty fine and quick to Hustlers and Poker Cheaters.
The Good Ol' Gouge Eye
Saloon is indeed open for business. Come on in!
Now that there is some Real Cowboy and Real Cowgirl gun smoke!
Another fine day of shootin' at Range War in the Town of Chabot.
to the Gouge Eye Saloon!
Lovely Ladies and Cowboys one and all, come on in!
Poker Cheaters and Similar Swindlers
are not allowed.