Chabot-Style Old West Cowboy Shoot Matches: For 30 years, Chabot Gun Club Old West Cowboy Shoots were held on the 3rd Sunday of
every odd month: January, March, May, July, September, and November. Shoot Managers were "Rowdy Yates"
(Jiim Moore) and "Cyrus Sidewinder" (Steve Moore). Shooters often gathered for lunch at a nearby restaurant
following the Shoot. Due to the closure of Chabot Gun Club on September 6, 2016, the final regularly-scheduled Old West
Cowboy Shoot was held on Sunday, July 17, 2016. A Final Old West Cowboy Shootout was held on September 5, 2016. A
great time was held by all.
"Rowdy Yates" (Jim Moore), one of the founders of this shoot, did some lookin'
around and was fortunately able to find a new host and home for this big gun and fun match: the Coyote Valley Sporting
Clays Gun Club in Morgan Hill, California; hosted by the mighty fine Coyote Valley Gun Club. Shoots were held on the
same dates and time as in the past: 3rd Sunday of every odd month, starting at 9:00 AM. Unfortunately, the Coyote
Valley-based Chabot Shoot ended in 2020, a victim of COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions.
About the actual Chabot-Style Shoot: Our moto was: "Be
safe and have fun!" All firearms were either vintage 1898 or before, or replicas. No autoloaders.
Three types of firearms were required: (1) pistol, (2) rifle, and (3) shotgun (double barrel side by side) or Winchester
model 97 pump. In addition, 2 or more pistols were required. Most stages used all three firearms. Although
not required, most shooters dressed in Old West Cowboy Period clothing. Minimum dress: jeans, shirt, and boots.
The Shoot was opened to the public; new shooters received orientation. Safety Rules were required to be followed at all times, including wearing safety glasses and hearing
protection during matches.