No SASS Shooting
As the photos below show, the Chabo Cowboy Matches were nuttin like SASS matches! Yes
Siree, no SASS-style shootin' here. Chabot style matches are now held on the same schedule - third Sunday of every odd
month - at the Coyote Valley Sporting Clays Gun Range in Morgan Hill, California. A might fine establishment, hosted
by the Coyote Valley Cowboys. See ya there!
Oh, and don't forget to bring your Big Guns.
'Cause you just might need 'em.
Huh. Didn't know Real Cowboys with Real Guns did this kinda thing.
Did you?
Gettin' all set up for some might fine Chabot style shootin'.
Just a sample of the Fearless Cowboys and Cowgirls from the mighty fine town
of Chabot.
Yep. Citizens of the town of Chabot only shot real guns.
Non of this light
weight sissy stuff. No way, bang bang!
another day in the town of Chabot.
Ain't nuttin' to look at here, folks.
Y'all move along now, ya hear?
"So .... Is this thing working yet?"
Uh ... No, Commander it's not working yet.
Cool. As in Cowboy Style Cool, that is.