No SASS Shooting
As the photos below show, the Chabo Cowboy Matches were nuttin like SASS matches! Yes
Siree, no SASS-style shootin' here. Chabot style matches are now held on the same schedule - third Sunday of every odd
month - at the Coyote Valley Sporting Clays Gun Range in Morgan Hill, California. A might fine establishment, hosted
by the Coyote Valley Cowboys. See ya there!
Oh, and don't forget to bring your Big Guns.
'Cause you just might need 'em.
Yet another might fine evenin' at the world famous Gouge Eye Saloon.
An evenin' of conversin' and
relaxin' at the Gouge Eye Saloon
Oh, and some poker playin', too.
Hey, is that cigar smoke I see in the Ol' Gouge
Eye Saloon?
Yes, Virginia, cigar smokin' was legal in saloons back in those days.
Beer. As in a pitcher.
"Hey you,
stay away! Mine! All mine!"
Who is that Mighty Young Purveyor of Fine Goods?
other than "Cyrus Sidewinder", of course!
Thems some mighty fine provisions at the River Junction Trade Co.
Yes Siree. Nothing but the Finest Cowgirls and Cowboys at High Sierra.