Old West Shooting Society
Building the Gouge Eye Saloon
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For those who find fault in others work, spelling errors have been left in for their amusement.


Where Real Men and Real Women Shoot Real Guns

Building the Gouge Eye Saloon



Take a look at the building of the world famous Gouge Eye Saloon.  Some mighty fine old world craftsmanship, indeed.  After all, only the best for the Old West Shooting Society Cowboys and Cowgirls! 








Now those are some Skilled Craftsmen! 





As you can see, the "builders" took breaks.  As in often!




"Hey, are you the Chabot Building Inspector?" 


Contact:  Give a shout to "Rowdy Yates" (Jim Moore):  rowdy@gougeeyesaloon.com .  See ya at the Shoot!